Another View on Climate

My Own View of Global Warming

Sanity in the Media

Posted by greg2213 on March 27, 2013

As time goes on and the CAGW meme breaks down we will be seeing bits of sanity appearing in various traditional media (Main Stream Media, aka MSM.) It’ll probably be awhile before it happens in the US, though. Most US Media is lovingly in bed with the Obama regime and its love for the CAGW hysteria.

Newest notes are on top.


No Virgina, sea level rise (what little there may be of it) is not drowning those islands. WUWT has a pic from the Australian Broadcasting Corporation showing this. Here’s the ABCnews post, at least until they remove it.


May 14 (Reuters) – A melt of ice on Greenland and Antarctica is likely to be less severe than expected this century, limiting sea level rise to a maximum of 69 cm (27 inches), an international study said on Tuesday.

NYT backs off the hysteria by a small bit: Some recent scientific papers have made a splash by claiming that the answer might not be as bad as previously feared. This work — if it holds up — offers the tantalizing possibility that climate change might be slow and limited enough that human society could adapt to it without major trauma.

NoTricksZone adds some commentary to the NYT article, as does WUWT.

From Australia 

SEA level rises triggered by Greenland’s melting glaciers will be far less severe than previously thought, new modelling suggests.

European and US researchers predict the impact on sea levels from the island’s melting glaciers could be as little as 7 per cent of previous projections of more than half a metre.

Here (login is required.)

More from Germany (4/29)

Media outlets in Europe are beginning to question all the global warming claims, especially as Central Europe reels from one of its coldest springs in living memory.

The article is dubbed: Scientists have embarrassed themselves: climate change is not happening.”

Die Zeit Shocks Readers

Now that the global mean temperature curve has drifted out of and below the IPCC’s projected range, panic is breaking out.

The mother of German green weeklies, Die Zeit, appears to be taking measurements at the back of the house in preparation for the installation of a back door! Rahmstorf is back there with them, trying to talk them out of it.

Leading lefty journalist Harald Martenstein of Die Zeit, a weekly that recently portrayed Marc Morano as the Don Corleone of the North American climate denial syndicate, has an amusingly satirical essay on the misfortunes of climate science and modeling: On the surprises of climate change. Hat/tip: klimazwiebel. If you can read German, his essay is a jewel in irony and humor to behold. Effective because few things convey a message better than music or humor.

Martenstein, once a devout believer of the global warming religion, apparently he has been struggling to reconcile the glaring differences between climate expectations and hard reality.

Mother Of German Green Weeklies, Die Zeit, Shocks Readers…Now Casts Doubt On Global Warming!

And in Russia:

Russian Academy Of Sciences Experts Warn Of Imminent Cold Period: “Global Warming Is A Marketing Trick” By P Gosselin on 11. April 2013

The European Institute for Climate and Energy (EIKE) here links to an article published by Stimme Russlands (Voice of Russia). The article is titled: Die Welt vor einer Eiszeit, in English: The World On The Verge Of An Ice Age.

Reports of global cooling are becoming more frequent. FLASHBACK: 30 experts predict cooling.

You’ll notice that this Voice of Russia report is more than a month old, and so one wonders why it was never picked up by the western mainstream media.

The article writes that Russian scientists are predicting that “a little ice age will begin in 2014“. The article adds….

Here’s the article: Russian Academy Of Sciences Experts Warn Of Imminent Cold Period

Yahoo News: 

WASHINGTON (AP) — Last year’s huge drought was a freak of nature that wasn’t caused by man-made global warming, a new federal science study finds.

Scientists say the lack of moisture usually pushed up from the Gulf of Mexico was the main reason for the drought in the nation’s midsection.

Thursday’s report by dozens of scientists from five different federal agencies looked into why forecasters didn’t see the drought coming. The researchers concluded that it was so unusual and unpredictable that it couldn’t have been forecast.

“This is one of those events that comes along once every couple hundreds of years,” said lead author Martin Hoerling, a research meteorologist at the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. “Climate change was not a significant part, if any, of the event.”

Report: Global warming didn’t cause big US drought

UK’s Met Office Internal Climate Report Differs from What They Say to the Press.

Following the wet summer in the UK last year, the  Met Office provided the Environment Agency with a briefing document, giving an overview of the weather. This was discussed at the September Board Meeting of the Environment Agency, which Met Office officials attended.

As far as I know, this document, which I obtained through FOI, has never entered the public domain. It is brutally honest in admitting how little the Met’s scientists understand about what affects our climate, and, in particular, what caused the unusual weather last year. This is in stark contrast to many of the hyped up claims, made in public statements in the recent past by, among others, the Met Office themselves.

The full document is reproduced below, but there are four particular areas I wish to focus on.

Met Office’s Private Briefing Document For The Environment Agency

Various links to Sane Media from Climate Depothere.

The Economist says that The climate may be heating up less in response to greenhouse-gas emissions than was once thought. But that does not mean the problem is going away

OVER the past 15 years air temperatures at the Earth’s surface have been flat while greenhouse-gas emissions have continued to soar. The world added roughly 100 billion tonnes of carbon to the atmosphere between 2000 and 2010. That is about a quarter of all the CO₂ put there by humanity since 1750. And yet, as James Hansen, the head of NASA’s Goddard Institute for Space Studies, observes, “the five-year mean global temperature has been flat for a decade.”

Obviously they still believe, but they’re not quite as hysterical as before. Here’s the rest.

A Denmark paper runs a four page spread on the hysteria: 

The Jyllands-Posten piece represents another major step by important elements of the European media in taking a tougher and more critical look at climate science. Prominent climate scientists are speaking out, and the media is handing them the megaphone.

Here it is

The UK’s MailOnline rips into the ridiculous energy policies of the UK politicians. 

He wants to hire yet more civil servants to set up a ‘Heat Network Unit’ to provide ‘expert advice’.
And he wants us to pay for ‘100 green apprenticeships’ for ‘young people to work in smallscale renewable technologies’.

What planet is this man living on? He has only to step outside his centrally heated Whitehall office to see that the rest of us are having to struggle through the coldest March for 50 years.

Yet, just when we need heat and light for our homes and workplaces more than ever, we are rapidly heading for by far the most serious energy crisis this country has ever faced.

We learned at the weekend that Britain’s gas supplies have run so perilously low that we could be depending on just two giant tankers imported from the Middle East to heat our homes at a time when world gas prices are soaring.

Last week, we also lost two more of our major coal-fired power stations, forced to close down by an EU pollution directive – leading the head of our second-largest power company, SSE, to warn our generating capacity is being cut back so far that major blackouts may soon be inevitable.

The article really tears into them. Read more here:

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